Bayrisch Irish

27.10.24 Fürstenkasten Rötz

31.10.24 Bürgersaal Bayerbach

Bayrisch Irish - Timmy's Dream ....

Keeping the Dream Alive

Bayrisch Irish  began in 2005. Timmy had been asking for a collaboration with Bavarian musicians since Na Ciotogi started. He felt the same sentiment in Bavaria towards Bavarian music and dance as he had when he came back to Ireland in the 1960’s towards Irish music and dance. That sentiment was negative and Timmy fought his whole life against negativity.


In 2005 we had the first Bayrish Irish show together with daHuawadaMeierundi in The Foggy Dew, Hagenau and what a night that was! Timmy was in 7th heaven “The only difference between Bayrisch and Irish is a B!”


We spent 12 wonderful years together both in Bavaria and Ireland and recorded a live CD in Roding in 2015. That same year we travelled to Ireland to The Cork Folk Festival which, Timmy had founded 39 years previously. A film crew from BR traveled with us and made a fantastic road film called “What The Fuck is Heimat..” 


Sadly 2017 was the last year we toured together. Siegi Mühlbauer (aka undi) announced he was retiring from daHuawadaMeierundi so Bayrisch Irish was cancelled for 2018. This year was a really terrible year for us as Timmy had become ill and passed away in September 2018. We miss Timmy every single day, he was a very special person, a great father and friend and we’ll never see his likes again!


In honor of Timmy we started a new Bayrisch Irish tour in 2019 with Siegi Mühlbauer, Bernhard Stahl and Martin Hozapfel. Our Bayrisch Irish tour for 2020 was unfortunately cancelled due to the second Corona lockdown but we look forward to better times!


2021 was another year and despite all the difficult circumstances, we were able to spread some positivity into an ever increasingly difficult world. Our tour,  this time including Bayrisch Irish, was allowed to finish “just in time” with great happiness and success  and very much to our delight! Markus Gröller joined us for the first time on double bass and became a part of our Bayrisch Irish family! Welcome Markus – delighted to have you aboard. A number of gigs are in the pipeline for 2024 and 2025 which, we will keep you updated on!


David McMahon and Siegi Mühlbauer travelled to Ireland for a benefit concert for Timmy in The Mills Inn in Ballyvourney in July 2018. It was the last time they would all be together. Timmy asked David and Siegi to keep his dream alive.


Bayrisch Irish – Keeping the Dream Alive

“Na Ciotogi” kommt wieder mit irischer und bayrischer Musik auf die Bühne. Mit dabei ist Siegi Mühlbauer (Gründer und ehemaliges Mitglied von „Da Huawa, da Meier und i“), Markus Gröller (Arnbrucker Woidbuam, Woideck Musi) und Bernhard Stahl (Berufsmusiker, Solokünstler und Multiinstrumentalist). Zusammen lassen sie den Traum von Timmy „the Brit“ McCarthy weiterleben, die irische Musiktradition mit der bayerischen zu verschmelzen. Die Musik- und Tanzkoryphäe verstarb leider im September 2018 nach schwerer Krankheit. Es war sein ausdrücklicher Wunsch die Verbindung zwischen irischer und bayerischer Tradition aufrecht zu erhalten. Trotz anfänglicher Zweifel 2005, ob die bayerische Tuba mit dem irischen Dudelsack (Uilleann Pipes) wirklich zusammen passt, hat Timmy recht, “der einzige Unterschied zwischen B’irish und Irish ist ein B!”

Na Ciotogi („Die Linkshänder“) und das Trio um Siegi Mühlbauer werden gemeinsam Irish-Folk mit Sauerkraut und Bayerische Volksmusik mit Irish-Stew servieren. Es wird geflötet und gegeigt, gesungen und gejodelt, gespielt und getanzt und dabei bleibt höchstwahrscheinlich auch das eine oder andere Auge nicht ganz trocken.

"The only differece between Bayrisch and Irish is a B!"

Timmy "the brit" McCarthy